Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Workin' with Daddy~

Last week our sitter called in sick.. just so happen to be Take Your Child to Work Day! How perfect was that? So.. before we even knew this was a *special* holiday... hahaa we decided that we wouldnt take the day off, instead just bring Hunter to work with us.

Todd just had to read water meters that day so Hunter could walk around with him and carry the flashlight. They came across several friendly dogs, a goldfish pond, many neighbors and a few toads. Also, along the way as you can see Hunter picked up his faithful pop gun. hahaa I guess he thought he had some protection from the *wild creatures* he and Daddy may come across.

It worked out really well. Hunter was very well behaved, even when he had to spend about an hour of his time in the office with me. We listened to Disney tunes and he helped me stamp some envelopes. At the end of the day he earned $10.. we took him to walmart that night where he promptly spent all $10 on a new set of Legos. ;)


linda said...

Very cool

taryn said...

That is so awesome! I bet you and Todd had a whole new perspective on your day with him along! :) And he will probably always remember that day too!