Just a brief note to say we are back home and today started the Creative Scrappers Sketchfest 2!!!! I hope you will join us.. and I hope that I get to where I can get some things done. I love the variety of challenges that an online crop provide.. and we have a whole week to create it. Come on over and scrap til you drop! hehee ;)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!!! Im up and about ready to get the pies into the oven and flipping the channels to watch the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade! Ive watched since I was a little kid and dont think I'll ever stop. I love the bands the most and hearing about what is used to make the floats and seeing the big air balloon characters!!! I guess I just like it all! I cant wait til Todd gets the turkey roastin'. The smell is warmth and family and good times all rolled into one little butterball. heheee In other news.. This past week the stomach flu bug has hit our household. Todd has been sick since Sunday and Hunter got it yesterday. Last night... ugh, I think it got me. Im still holding out hope that its just bad food for dinner last night, but Todd says-no dice lil lady. So we will see. I certainly hope not as I so want to go back home! I need to. My Dad is off to Arizona for the winter and I need to tie up loose ends there and I wanted to meet with my good ol' friend Rhonda, whom I havent seen for 2 years! So I'll sip the 7up and take it easy. I may have to forego all the goodies... THAT will kill me.. but have to figure out what is more important right?! Ok enough complaining. I truly feel blessed for what I have and am so Thankful for all of my family and friends. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Be careful, eat much, laugh a lot and take many, many photos! ;o)
for a camper???.... This is what Hunter has asked for Christmas. Story: The other night on the way home from Walmart Hunter asks his Dad.."When we get home, can we write Santa a letter and ask him for something?" Todd says "Sure Buddy, What would you like?" Hunter says "I want a camper so we can go camping and fishing!"... OH MY GOSH... I was like Todd, is this like the best present you could ever want???... Your 3 yr old son telling you he wants a camper?? How many 3 yr olds do you know that want a camper? I just thought it was the cutest thing ever. And yes Im boastful about it... he is mine after all.. and I just love him! hehe Also... You see that camper stamp above in the photo?... Mommy wants that camper from Santa hahaa... I found that along with a bunch of other SUPER CUTE stamps at this Etsy shop, The Mayberry Sparrow! Check it out! In other news... If I dont see you I would like to take this moment to wish you all a very festive and warm Thanksgiving. I have so many things to be thankful for and I feel that I am truly blessed! Thank you for being a reader and a friend. Im going back home for Thanksgiving break ....so I'll be back to posting upon my return!... :o)
Come Join us for our 1hr Layout Contest! Tuesday Night November 25 ( 9pm EST ) You will have 1 hour to complete it and 15 minutes to upload it in the gallery!
1 photo size 4x6 portrait should be used! ( you can adjust photo size to fit your scrap habits! )
This is a contest with a random draw and for 2 prizes from of our sponsors!
Come and Play ! See you TONIGHT!!!
I'll be there... will you?... heheee I will be back tomorrow or later tonight with more to post!!!
We had some *rattlers* in our house tonight. hahahaa... Naw, but thats what we used to call rattlesnakes when we were little. But for real, tonight I made these cream cheese/sausage croissants which are also know as *rattlesnake eggs*. You may have seen where Ive mentioned them before, but tonight... yes tonight I took a picture because they were so beautiful. And they tasted as good as they looked! I got the recipe from the young lady here at Mommys Kitchen! I found her blog one day and keep up with her and have tried several of her recipes... and all I have to say is YUMMY! ;) It was a great way to end the evening before starting movie night with the boys. We are watching Get Smart. I could use a laugh as Hunter is really trying my patience!
Lately, he has gotten to where anytime we ask him to do something he automatically says "no" without even thinking. Im done with it. He knows better. So he is standing in the corner for 3 minutes. And mark my word he will go there for 3 minutes everytime he back-talks me from now on. I have to take control before he gives me a heartattack.
Earlier today after I had finished cleaning the house, I had a tough decision to make. Should I scrapbook or bake cookies? And as much as I love to bake and eat. I HATE cleaning up the mess, especially when I just cleaned the entire house top to bottom. So I decided since the house was quiet {Thanks to Melly for taking the boys for a couple hours}to scrapbook. I managed to finish 2 cards using up some scraps that were still on my desk from the *My Love* layout. I had such a splitting headache I couldnt do anymore, so I decided to shut it down for today. Maybe I can get in there tomorrow.. or hey.. there are always snickerdoodles waiting to be baked! ;)How was your Saturday?
Oooo the weather outside is definitely blustery! And so our skin needs protecting right?... Well it sooo happens that this morning I was looking through my Glamour magazine and came across an advertisement for these lil puppies! The new ChapStickTrue Shimmer! Now, here is the reason why I was sooo excited. I wear a certain lipstick made by N.Y.C., well lo and behold the last time I went to get a new stick... they dont sell it anymore. ;( Ive searched high and low and cannot find it. As Im scraping the bare bottom of my last 2 tubes... I come across this brilliant discovery! You see the N.Y.C. was just a basic shimmering color... no pink, no red to it.. just a natural shimmer. So as you all as my witness... Im going to try these True Shimmers and see if they wont be my replacement lipstick. I hope so, because who doesnt want healthy, protected lips while looking great too?! hahaa{and this shameless plug} I'll buy it this weekend and give you a report back next week! Wish me luck and fabulous lips!!! ;)
PS: What do you think of the new blog look? I made it my very own self!
He definitely is the love of my life. I knew it the moment I met him. Walking across the yard smiling that smile.. showing his dimple right below his right eye. He won me over and as hard as I am on him sometimes I am so thankful that he is MINE. I shot this photo of him back in April and just worked this layout up last night following Sketch #26 over at CS. I used some new papers I got from Michaels {Basic Grey Urban Prairie}.. Love that paper. Love BG!!! Apparently my mojo came back!!! Ok, back to my true love-Todd. I have to give props to him.. he has spent the last two days off work nursing our baby boy. Im praying for him, because usually he falls apart when Hunter goes to the doc, but today he has to be strong and go with him-alone! haha. Im sure they'll be fine... but I will go ahead and say a couple prayers just to be sure. hehe I love you Todd, more than you'll ever know or comprehend. ;) UPDATE~ Its strep throat ;(... I seriously didnt think that was it, but sure enough.. Todd said he and Hunter did awesome... no crying. Except Todd did say that he almost cried because he was so dang proud of Hunter for being a strong and good lil boy.. even when they swabbed his throat. YAY for them both. Thank God for vacation.. Todd will be off an additional day this week with him until he isnt contagious anymore.
I have a killer headache today.. Im thinking sinus? What ever though.. What about this weather? Im thinking I need to change all my icons and welcome stuff to winterish snowflakes. Although we havent gotten any snow yet, its sure blowing out there and colder than *hillbilly hell* as my Mom used to say. This past weekend Hunter came down with a high fever and super sore throat. He goes to the Doc tomorrow to check for strep. I hope he is ok.. I just get heartsick when lil ones are sick. He has that wild eyed look and just cries miserably when he isnt sleeping. Im sure its viral, but you never know these days. I just want him better. I was looking at the forecast and it was supposed to be sunny and cold this week, but theyve already changed it to cloudy and cold. Holy.. ok... again, whatever!
On another note...I still havent gotten my mojo back! This is really getting me down. I have things I want to do and just cant. Then next weekend will be Thanksgiving. So no time there.. altho, maybe, just maybe after that when the CS crop comes I'll be back in the swing of things. I have bought some stuff so thats a good feeling.. altho most have been gifts. hahaa
Ok, going to go for now..I know Ive not posted so much happy stuff.. Im going to keep the faith and hope that I get out of this funk soon so that I can post some goodies and have some laughs to share! Have a good week chicks!!!
Oh yes... I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show {Greys Anatomy}, this is a clip from last night and the song by Lenka.. Trouble is a Friend.. wowza! Perfect ending to the show! Did you watch? are you a fanatic like me?... whoa. Im addicted... and please dont talk to me, im me or call me when Im watching... its my time to go to fantasy land and watch. haaa. Anyway.. whats up world? Its been a rainy MESS this week. One of those weeks that slips in steals your energy, your happiness and ultimately my MOJO.. yup its gone. I have an order for 6 Christmas card, plus my own that I need to get to work on and about 6 layouts that I havent even started, two of which are due tomorrow. Gah.. Im just out of it. Could it be because I miss Todd? Quite possible. I tell ya, I dont know how women that have men deployed do it. At first it was cool, just cooking for me and Hunter, doing our lil bit of stuff.. then stressors get added and then you just start to lose your cool, I then pull myself together just to fall apart again there soon after and realize that I love having another adult there for comfort and that extra push, even for a morsel of appreciation. .... Anyway, Im a survivor, this isnt the worse thing ever and it will all be fine! I just thought Id share what was clicking away in my head. I hope that this weekend will be relaxing and just a time for scrapbooking and eating warm food and drinking hot cocoa. What about you? What will you be doing this weekend?
I wish the rain would go away! Its been raining for hours. I wouldnt mind so much if I was working today, but I have the day off and am getting ready to head out to start my Christmas shopping! It kinda puts a damper on that, but when I get home it will be good napping weather huh? hehe Well, things here are going along swimmingly.. the boys are well, Ruby and Kitty are well. Todd is away this week on vacation at Deer Camp and I have been enjoying the clean house. I did some scrapping last night and am really happy with the one page, I wish I could take a photo but the lighting is horrible w/ the rain ... so maybe later this week I'll post!
Ive been doing some thinking lately about something that should have no place in my head or heart at all. I have taken Brookes advice and deleted my former post because she is, after all, a lot more level-headed than I and what I was worried with is not worth worrying over at all. Im choosing to let it go. Thanks Brooke!
Ok,... if you have Veterans Day off, relax and enjoy and reflect on those who gave their lives for us and those who continue do so. God Bless them all!
ETA: Today was an awesome day shopping I got some GREAT bargains andddd most of my Christmas shopping knocked out!
Bring on the sketches!!!!.... get ready for the crop of a lifetime over at Creative Scrappers! There will be lots of sketches and challenges to make your heart go pitter-patter. Join us... you wont regret it.. you may even win some scrapbooking goodeness! ;)
Exactly how I feel today!!! ... I had to change her face to this pale color because she had a nice brownish tan to her and I swear to you Im not feeling the pigment in the skin today. hahaa. Notice how the lil devils are girls?? Whats up with that? Anyway.. I dont have much to say today except ughh. I wish I was actually this chick and that way I could be curled up in my bed suffering rather than here at work suffering. Im sure I'll recoop over the weekend. I hate the range of emotion that goes along with those lil devil girls.. they should be poking her head too! haha... Have a great weekend... and bundle up... its getting colddddd out there!! ;)
Jack Frost nippin' at my toes.. hehee.. Thats because Im still wearing flip flops hahaa. But from what I understand.. not after today. Im sad, but happy at the same time. I know.. with me its a range of emotion rare that anyone will ever understand. But bare with me. Its all good ya know! hahaaa What Im trying to say is.. wow, arent those leaves beautiful? They are falling like raindrops today with the wind.. I wish I could be outside or just at home even soaking it all up. All the colors swirling around. Just gorgeous. Maybe I'll take a long lunch. hehee Soooo... How are you guys doing? Doing any scrapbooking lately? I havent and Im getting kinda bummed about it.. but by 9pm Im dragging and want to go to bed so I just dont do anything. Ugh.. got to get out of that funk and get back in the groove. I have a lot of projects I want to work on. Priority will be the challenge from Kristine at CS for the new Book of Me. I have to push myself to get that done. I also want to do Debs fabric challenge. Just like my personal checks say... So many pretty papers... so little time. Enjoy your day! :)
but I just cant say it enough ... Im sooo proud of my niece Aimee!!! As you may remember she joined the ARMY and went away to bootcamp back on her 21st birthday September 1st. She has written me quite a bit for being so busy. She asked that I send her a layout of herself and her daughter Jadyn and I was so happy to do it. The letter I got today was the thank you for that. And to also tell me how excited she was that she has passed her PT's and will be out this entire week on a campout and then next week practicing for graduation!!! I cant believe it is already here. Im sooo happy and proud. I cant help but get huge tears when I hear from her and how happy she appears to be. I hope that deep in her soul she has found peace and a new appreciation for herself. She deserves the very best. As do all of my nieces and my one lil nephew.. hehee. Her last sentence said... *See you at Christmas*... I just want to bawl. haha. Reminds me of one of my most favorite Christmas songs below~
Thought Id post a few pics from the party we had Friday night. What a night! The kids trick or treated til they dropped. Then the adults had fun with jello shots, jokes, chit chat and the warm fire in the pit! The night escalated into tricycle races in which Todd ended up injured hahaa.. but it was hilarious and fun. The party lasted til the wee hours of morning. We took Saturday easy and just recovered. I hope we can have more parties. So much fun!