Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Hello .. anyone out there?

Hello from ice covered nation here... Im at work today and its snowing..
We have about an inch of ice on the ground.. but not the amount of snow some of the folks around the midwest have endured.

Btw... if you didnt know.. I bought a new car... and here she is under all the ice Monday night when I left work...
And the ice off the mirror... it was the first time Id ever seen ice actually froze to the tires. While I was scraping the windows my jeans kept sticking to the ground frozen... scary feeling!

A look out the window towards the trees and our drive Tuesday morning.

It was snowing this morning when I came to work. and no one had cleared the roads so I had to park my car over here..

Its cold.. thats for sure! The sun is shining and the snow flakes are swirling like Im all jumbled up in a snow globe.

Things on the home front are moving along. Todd and I have had our moments but try to remain calm and adult like in every way possible. Sometimes its hard for others to believe or understand but until they live with us, they have no idea. Thats all I have to say about that.

...Anyway... this week I should be signing on my new lil place. Im excited to get going and get moved. A whole new adventure Im sure. I wish the insurance wasnt such a big issue.. wears me OUT! hahaa. Will keep you updated on the new place, the snow and all the other things that are taking place in our lil corner of the world. Hope you are staying warm and happy!

Check out this turkey... my brother sends me this photo from Pearl Harbor in Hawaii yesterday.. it was a balmy 81 degrees there.. soooo not fairsy!!! hahahaa ;O)


Amie said...

Can not even conceive of that kinda cold. Come on over to AZ!! Great new car...that ice is amazing.

Laura said...

Yay! Angi is back! I love your new car! Still thinking about you...I know great things are gonna happen for you! Stay warm...atleast try:)

Cat said...

I love that Neal sent you that pic. What a brat, huh!? :)

Jenn K said...

Uh...ICE STINKS!! I too am trying to keep warm, so not fair that your brother is chilling in that warm weather..hehehee! Sounds like good things are on the horizon for ya..YAY!