My boys.... its true... they are my LIFE~

My husband Todd... He means the world to me... and I love him!~

Frilly but true are the next few things... nail polish, purses, lotions and eyeliner{especially black}~

This is kinda self explanatory *blush*~

Some TV shows that I really enjoy... there are many more along with movies and music I adore~

and last but not least... my favorite obsession... Tony Stewart... #20 on the Nascar circuit~

great top 10 girlfriend!
Hmm....I have a question! haha. Okay-super list! I'm a magazine junkie.
oooh! I love nail polish too! And Pam is HOT! Love your list girlie!!
Whats the question Cat? hehee ;)
LOST YAY!!! hehehe. i love your list angi!!!
I love your list - so diverse - so completely you!!!!
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