Well, after an hour of messing with this blogger and managing to stay awake and watch the CMA's ... I finally was able to post my layouts at the BOTTOM of my blog... I really wanted them along the side, but it would seem Im not able to do that unless I want them so tiny that no one would ever be able to see them. Sooo to spare us all, I just posted it at the bottom. I still have more layouts to add... so hopefully when my computer is up to it, I will add more!!!
Also... the meez below me... I did not realize would change each time I changed... for real I had a Halloween meez that was sooo cute... haha.. but it keeps changing so... just watch.. its cute and passes the time, so I shouldnt or cant really complain.
Anywho... Im off.. I wasted all this time and didnt get my Winter cards done again tonight... soon though... they are due real soon.
PS: Happy Birthday Brooke! I havent sent your birthday gift yet, but I will surely be thinking of you on Friday!
oh pss: Hunter and I have been asked as guests to the Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey Circus this Friday... we totally cannot wait! ;)~