Wow.. last night Todd fixed the most amazing Margaritas.. and oh boy did I partake. NO, I didnt get wasted.. just a lil giggly.. but they were soooo good! We had went to our friends Matt and Beths house for a steak grill out. It was awesome.. we had great steaks, HUGE baked potatoes, salad, corn on the cob, watermelon and pineapple upside down cake. Needless to say we were STUFFED! hahaa.. After dinner we all went outside and hung out around the fire pit... why we had a fire going on a 90 degree night I'll never know.. hahaa but we had fun.. talked a lot, laughed a lot! And sweated a LOT! hahaa We were one hot mess I tell ya. hahaa. Its good to get out amongst friends and have some down time and forget about the stressing world around us. A much needed break!Note: I need to apologize for complaining about my job in my previous post... I feel like a complete fool for doing so, especially when one of my friends found out this week that her husband lost his job. I just want to say Im sorry Amie and I hope new doors open for ya'll and that I will pray my lil heart out for a good ending to this nightmare. Big hugs!Here are some pics from last night... oh and I suffered all day today with a headache.. but Im refusing to believe it was those margaritas.. I really think its sinuses... wonderful sinuses. ha!

The fire pit from hell!!! hahaa

Our hosts Matt and Beth

Me and the hubster.. I told you we were SWEATING! hahaa

Pure evil goodeness! hahaa ;)

Matts daughter Savanah and Hunter, they played til they dropped!

and last but not least.. my HOT husband.. ehehe. We were blowing bubbles in his face and making him try to bite them... he was a good sport! hahaaa ;)
What are you doing this weekend?