Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wild Honey~
There was a time that I really disliked U2 ... but when they came out with the All That You Cant Leave Behind album that I decided I have been missing out on a really awesome band. Anyway.. when I think of how many times I stole my ex-husbands cd to listen I just laugh... such good memories of driving down the road with the windows open singing out loud to my hearts content! I soooo should buy this ... and maybe I will... til then.. I want to share this song that really struck me. Enjoy! ;o)
Monday, August 24, 2009
First day of school jitters!~
Well not for me.. but for several lil chickies I know... My niece Mariah, my cousins daughter Kloee and Preston's girlfriend Rachel. This is Kloee's 2nd year so she has it downpat {altho, this is her first year being an RA}, but the other two.. this is their first year
... and I'm not going to lie.. I shed a tear or two for them both last night. I know it must be exciting yet scary as hell to be faced with a huge campus, be away from family and familiar things and "boyfriends" heheee.
I know they'll be fine.. I just feel for them. I've wished them luck and best wishes.. and pray they're in their element real soon!
I think poor Rachel is super homesick already and had some nauseating moments...but she says, thankfully for Preston she always feels hope. Now isn't that a nice thing to hear about your son?! I know he is a good person and will do whatever it takes to make that girl happy. And the biggest news yet this year from him.. something that shocked even me... he moved back in with his Dad to be closer to Rachel. I hope they treat him right.. Lord knows he deserves it. I know this is a big thing because Preston really has some issues with his Dad, but then again it may be a good thing so that they can work on their relationship some more. We'll watch and see.
I leave you with one of my fav pics of Preston and Rachel!
Have a great 1st day of college... to you Rachel and to all of my lil chicks!!! ;o)
... and I'm not going to lie.. I shed a tear or two for them both last night. I know it must be exciting yet scary as hell to be faced with a huge campus, be away from family and familiar things and "boyfriends" heheee.
I know they'll be fine.. I just feel for them. I've wished them luck and best wishes.. and pray they're in their element real soon!
I think poor Rachel is super homesick already and had some nauseating moments...but she says, thankfully for Preston she always feels hope. Now isn't that a nice thing to hear about your son?! I know he is a good person and will do whatever it takes to make that girl happy. And the biggest news yet this year from him.. something that shocked even me... he moved back in with his Dad to be closer to Rachel. I hope they treat him right.. Lord knows he deserves it. I know this is a big thing because Preston really has some issues with his Dad, but then again it may be a good thing so that they can work on their relationship some more. We'll watch and see.
I leave you with one of my fav pics of Preston and Rachel!

Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Nest~

Recently, it just seems that I cant find what I miss from our little place on the web. I like coming "home" and chatting about anything.. not just scrapbooking. I like to focus on real things happening to us and it just so happens that a lot of us scrapbook. I decided to give the forum a new look and a new name and start advertising again.. not only for scrappy folks but anyone..and everyone. With Facebook being so prevalent right now it may be tough, because well we have each other, but not games.. or surveys... haha those things we get hooked on.
Butttt... I would love it if you stopped by and just give it a try. Don't be shy.. post to any subject.. we have a TON. And in addition.. I am going to start the monthly Scrapbook Layout Contest again starting in September. This could be an opportunity to win some great crafty stuff. Also, I would love to see swaps again.
Please come by.. register and tell your friends.. Id appreciate it!!! ;o)
Here is the link {or you can click on the picture above}~ The Nest
Friday, August 21, 2009
Happy Friday~
Hello people! Its Friday... thank goodeness!
I thought Id post a layout that I did this past week.. most have probably already seen it, but if not, its here. Im pretty happy with it, it came out the way I wanted it to and I got my scrap on even if for just one layout this week! ;o)
Also.. lately Ive seen this on several blogs and forums... A new way to flip your photos into old looking Polaroids! So cool. I chose these pics of my niece Mariah. I just love her style.. she is not afraid one bit to think outside the box. I'm also choosing these because in just a short couple days she will be moving into her dorm room for her very first year of college! Woot Woot!
Im soooo excited for her! I cant even imagine the emotions she is going through right now.. but I do know that for me and the rest of the family we will be praying she has a good time and doesn't get too homesick!

I hope its nice in your neck of the woods.. it certainly is in ours.. Im going to enjoy the weekend.. I hope you can too! Take care til next time... :)
I thought Id post a layout that I did this past week.. most have probably already seen it, but if not, its here. Im pretty happy with it, it came out the way I wanted it to and I got my scrap on even if for just one layout this week! ;o)

Im soooo excited for her! I cant even imagine the emotions she is going through right now.. but I do know that for me and the rest of the family we will be praying she has a good time and doesn't get too homesick!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
We've come a long way baby~
Proud to say.. today is our 5th Wedding Anniversary!!! Yes indeed, 5 years ago today I married my best friend. We met online and were together quite quick. I'm positive that most of our friends and family.. and maybe even us thought that this would never last. And to the amazement to my personal friends who know how many times I've been married know that this marriage has happily lasted longer than any nuptial before. ha! ;o)
Well, we are still going strong.. It hasn't always been easy, but one thing about us.. we are stubborn as hell so its always worked to our advantage. I can't express how happy I am today and in my life!
Here are some pics of the Mr. and me along the way...

Well, we are still going strong.. It hasn't always been easy, but one thing about us.. we are stubborn as hell so its always worked to our advantage. I can't express how happy I am today and in my life!
Here are some pics of the Mr. and me along the way...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Cable De Charter and other mishaps~
Well.. we didnt go to get cable at Cable De Charter.. and boy oh boy were the boys mad! hahahaa. I tried to tell them that we were going to Fort De Chartres... of course they know Charter is our area cable company and I guess they just couldnt wrap their little minds around it. hahaaa Once we got there and they saw that it was a fort.. they were in awe! hahaa.
So yeah.. Saturday morning we got up and got ready and headed out for the drive to Prairie De Roucher where the Fort was.. it was built by the French in 1700's.. it was hot, it was neat and it was VERY quiet. There were only 2 other families there when we got the boys really got to run the place and explore. We also got some one on one time with one of the workers who told us some stories and background. It was a good experience.. and Im glad we went.. the boys had a great time as well. Here are some of my fav pics and the LINK to the others!

In other news... yesterday Todd and I both had our first experience with Hunter cutting himself bad enough we had to take Hunter to the doc ... He got a hold of my razor in the tub while taking a bath and commenced to shaving off the side and tip of his thumb. Poor kiddo. It took quite a hunk off and we just couldnt get it to stop bleeding and the more blood he saw the worse he screamed.
We got him dressed and our buns in the car and to the doc.. of course by the time we got there and the wait it had stopped bleeding and he was in better spirits. They cleaned it up and bandaged it up and we were on our way. He was pretty brave considering. So pain meds for the throbbing and stinging.. a new toy and breakfast out with Mom and Dad and he was feeling much better.
Todd did end up staying home with him. He kept saying his eyes were watering.. but I think he was just holding back his tears trying to be brave! I feel awful of course for leaving that stuff out where he could get it. I just never thought. Im so happy he didnt cut his lip/face as he said he did try shaving his face.. YIKES!
Yeah.. so my life has been crazy.. and that was after me staying home from work on Monday due to this crazy weird thing that is going on under my left ribs and the worst back cramping I think Ive ever experienced! I thought getting older would thwart those "girlie pains" .. I think not though.. geezh
I hope to work on some scrappy projects tonight as not much on TV. Ive gotten addicted to Big Brother and its taking up 3 nights of my week.. hahaa.. and Mondays is Intervention.. Im such a couch tator.. but after a long day at work all I want to do is veg sometimes.
I hope your week rocks..thanks for sharing mine! ;o)
So yeah.. Saturday morning we got up and got ready and headed out for the drive to Prairie De Roucher where the Fort was.. it was built by the French in 1700's.. it was hot, it was neat and it was VERY quiet. There were only 2 other families there when we got the boys really got to run the place and explore. We also got some one on one time with one of the workers who told us some stories and background. It was a good experience.. and Im glad we went.. the boys had a great time as well. Here are some of my fav pics and the LINK to the others!
In other news... yesterday Todd and I both had our first experience with Hunter cutting himself bad enough we had to take Hunter to the doc ... He got a hold of my razor in the tub while taking a bath and commenced to shaving off the side and tip of his thumb. Poor kiddo. It took quite a hunk off and we just couldnt get it to stop bleeding and the more blood he saw the worse he screamed.
We got him dressed and our buns in the car and to the doc.. of course by the time we got there and the wait it had stopped bleeding and he was in better spirits. They cleaned it up and bandaged it up and we were on our way. He was pretty brave considering. So pain meds for the throbbing and stinging.. a new toy and breakfast out with Mom and Dad and he was feeling much better.
Todd did end up staying home with him. He kept saying his eyes were watering.. but I think he was just holding back his tears trying to be brave! I feel awful of course for leaving that stuff out where he could get it. I just never thought. Im so happy he didnt cut his lip/face as he said he did try shaving his face.. YIKES!
Yeah.. so my life has been crazy.. and that was after me staying home from work on Monday due to this crazy weird thing that is going on under my left ribs and the worst back cramping I think Ive ever experienced! I thought getting older would thwart those "girlie pains" .. I think not though.. geezh
I hope to work on some scrappy projects tonight as not much on TV. Ive gotten addicted to Big Brother and its taking up 3 nights of my week.. hahaa.. and Mondays is Intervention.. Im such a couch tator.. but after a long day at work all I want to do is veg sometimes.
I hope your week rocks..thanks for sharing mine! ;o)
Friday, August 14, 2009
My mojo has re-appeared!~
So the other night I made one card and put away my stuff for a couple days.. I got the award yesterday and boy did it just jog me... so last night, I tore into the scrapbook room and created 3 more cards for the MSW crop and one of their challenges! Thanks for looking.. I hope to actually maybe create some layouts this weekend, altho we have a pretty busy one planned with Justice being home and us going out of town Saturday...
.. but sweeties.. Im back in the saddle again! Woot Woot!!!

Have a great weekend!!! ;o)
.. but sweeties.. Im back in the saddle again! Woot Woot!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Lookie! Lookie!~
What a WONDERFUL honor that has been bestowed upon me.. I'm so stinkin' happy!

My blog was chosen by the awesome Scrapbook News and Review Magazine administration staff upon being nominated by my scrappy friend Cheryl ...THANK YOU!!!!
Im shocked, honored and so very happy... if you didnt know already- SNR is the leading paper crafting magazine on the internet and to be associated with such a fantastic community and peers.. Im super elated!!!!.... In fact it makes me want to get craftier to share more with anyone who reads or comes along my blog.. What a great mojo booster huh? YAY!!!
Im going to proudly display this banner on my blog and bask in the glorious happiness it has brought to me... hehee ;o)

My blog was chosen by the awesome Scrapbook News and Review Magazine administration staff upon being nominated by my scrappy friend Cheryl ...THANK YOU!!!!
Im shocked, honored and so very happy... if you didnt know already- SNR is the leading paper crafting magazine on the internet and to be associated with such a fantastic community and peers.. Im super elated!!!!.... In fact it makes me want to get craftier to share more with anyone who reads or comes along my blog.. What a great mojo booster huh? YAY!!!
Im going to proudly display this banner on my blog and bask in the glorious happiness it has brought to me... hehee ;o)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hello there.. so I told a big ass lie.. I have not scrapped a bit! I have the feeling I want, but I also feel like Im waiting on something.. what? Im not sure. ;( Anyway.. I did do these 2 cards last week, one for my Mom and one for my Dad, they both have Birthdays in August. So that is that.
Lately Ive gotten all of my work done at work and just catching up on some extra little things and finally getting to work on the Policies and Procedures manual after 3 years. Well, it was my goal last year, but time just got away from me. I looked today and they hadnt been updated since 2004. Can you believe that?.. Crazy! After I get that done... it will be time again to start in on the next quarters billing. We did have a meeting a week ago about getting new software, but since have heard nothing about it. It seemed like a fantastic program and would make my life sooo much easier, but again.. havent heard a thing about it.
In other news.. Todd and I opened another savings account this week. We have lived paycheck to paycheck for sooo long. It feels good to do so, but I still have a couple little credit cards Id feel much better if paid off. That will all happen by April of next year. Whew! We are trying really hard to cut out eating out all the time. Not only are we spending our savings, we are not losing any weight by doing that. So far we are doing very well. Of course its only the 2nd week too. hahaa. But we are committed and thats what matters right?!
And lastly... with taking my lunch to work I found the most fantastic pudding. Swiss Miss Tapioca.. goood is delicious!!! Smooth, creamy and the vanilla is so tasty.. then you add the bursts of tapioca... YUM... total YUM!
Hunter wanted his toenails painted blue soooo bad.. His Dad wasnt too happy, but I thought what would it hurt?! He is just expressing his artistic side right?.. Im not worried.. and its blue for cryin' out loud! He was happy thats what makes me happy... and after all....
He is still VERY much my lil rough and tough boy... one who has an amazing love for Lego people/aliens and monsters! hehee
and last but not least.. his self portrait.. the boy LOVES to take pics.. especially of himself! haa!
Have a great week ya'll! ;o)
In other news.. Todd and I opened another savings account this week. We have lived paycheck to paycheck for sooo long. It feels good to do so, but I still have a couple little credit cards Id feel much better if paid off. That will all happen by April of next year. Whew! We are trying really hard to cut out eating out all the time. Not only are we spending our savings, we are not losing any weight by doing that. So far we are doing very well. Of course its only the 2nd week too. hahaa. But we are committed and thats what matters right?!
And lastly... with taking my lunch to work I found the most fantastic pudding. Swiss Miss Tapioca.. goood is delicious!!! Smooth, creamy and the vanilla is so tasty.. then you add the bursts of tapioca... YUM... total YUM!
And... I shall leave you with a few random pics we've taken lately.. and a fact.. I uploaded 144 photos for just June/July.. and that wasnt all really that I had.. but goodeness.. can you say addict? hahaa
We tried a new Mexican restaurant out... not good at all.. but we had fun time anyway!
Saturday, August 08, 2009
I updated and added a few new links and blinkies... take a peek at the side bar!
Today I will scrapbook and no one can stop me! I'm going to scrap the challenges over at MSW for their ABC crop that is going on the whole month of August.. I'm sure they'd love to see you there too!
In other news.. I'll probably be changing my background and header again... why I get so bored with them I'll never know.. but its fun changing so I go with it. ;)
I also have two new cards that I made that I need to d/l to show ya.. will do so soon.
Have a great weekend! ;o)
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Home Collection~
Today Im writing a lil post to share with you something that I came across in the House Beautiful magazine I rec'd yesterday in the mail. I cant tell you HOW I started getting that magazine, Im just glad that I did. I love it and everything new it shows me each time. And each time I come away with another idea or product that is a must try!
Today is no exception.. I found this new Home Collection by Febreze ... I particularly like the flameless luminaries! I totally love living in the dark aka cave.. living by only candle light in the evenings.. just makes me feel "homey" and while doing so hides cobwebs and dust ;) hahaa. I love that there are different styles and fragrances!
Here is what the website says about them..
Inspirational design and unique scent make the perfect combination for a refreshing atmosphere. The new Febreze Flameless Luminary accents your home with scent and style. It comes with decorative, scented shades you can change to let a flickering light shine through. Replace your scented shades with the latest scent and design every season of the year.
When you’re ready for a new look with a new scent, simply replace your current scented shade with a Flameless Luminary Refill in a scent and design combination you like. To replace it, just remove and discard the old shade and place your new scented shade on the base. Look for seasonal Flameless Luminary Refills in limited edition seasonal scents and styles. It’s more than decor, it’s a breath of fresh air.
When you’re ready for a new look with a new scent, simply replace your current scented shade with a Flameless Luminary Refill in a scent and design combination you like. To replace it, just remove and discard the old shade and place your new scented shade on the base. Look for seasonal Flameless Luminary Refills in limited edition seasonal scents and styles. It’s more than decor, it’s a breath of fresh air.
Anyway, if you have tried one of these or are going to in the future please be sure to let me know what you think and I will do the same in return! Now.. get your shop on! ;)
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